Sundanzer DC50 freezer ; solar-powered freezer provides exceptionally low energy consumption, requiring less expensive power systems and providing lower operating costs. Can run on a solar panel, battery and 15 Amp charge controller (not included) in most areas. U.S.A. Style: Freezer, Storage Volume (cu. ft.): 5.8, Works With: Requires 175 Watt solar panel, 250 Ah battery and 15 Amp charge controller, Cooling: Uses environmentally-friendly CFC-free refrigerant, Dimensions L x W x H (in.): 30 x 40 x 37

43.200.000 ₫ 43200000.0 VND 43.200.000 ₫

43.200.000 ₫

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Nhà sản xuất: Sundanzer, USA