175,000 ₫ 175000.0 VND
14,743,000 ₫ 14743000.0 VND
13,000 ₫ 13000.0 VND
124,000 ₫ 124000.0 VND
117,000 ₫ 117000.0 VND
24,000 ₫ 24000.0 VND
39,000 ₫ 39000.0 VND
42,000 ₫ 42000.0 VND
39,000 ₫ 39000.0 VND
221,000 ₫ 221000.0 VND
3,500 ₫ 3500.0 VND
59,000 ₫ 59000.0 VND
Mini paint rollers spare roller only
The mini paint rollers spare roller is a replacement roller designed for use with mini paint roller handles. It is used for applying paint or coatings on smaller surfaces such as trim, furniture, and small wall areas. The spare roller allows users to quickly change out a worn-out roller without needing to replace the entire roller set. It provides smooth and even coverage, making it ideal for detailed or precision painting tasks.
50,000 ₫ 50000.0 VND
273,000 ₫ 273000.0 VND
101,000 ₫ 101000.0 VND
3,450,000 ₫ 3450000.0 VND
455,000 ₫ 455000.0 VND