13,381,200 ₫ 13381200.0 VND
363,960 ₫ 363960.0 VND
43,200 ₫ 43200.0 VND
1,296,000 ₫ 1296000.0 VND
1,080,000 ₫ 1080000.0 VND
16,200,000 ₫ 16200000.0 VND
240,000 ₫ 240000.0 VND
CO and CQ original copies
Certificate of Origin (CO) by Chamber of COmmerce and Certificate of Quantity and Quality (CQ) Original copies
5,400,000 ₫ 5400000.0 VND
702,000 ₫ 702000.0 VND
4,320,000 ₫ 4320000.0 VND
21,060,000 ₫ 21060000.0 VND